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Laird Norton Melissa Sorentino

Melissa Sorentino

Melissa Sorentino

Accounts Payable Supervisor

Melissa Sorentino has been at Laird Norton Company since March 2011, serving in the role of Accounts Payable Supervisor. Her duties encompass managing the daily operations of both Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable across all Laird Norton Company entities. Additionally, Melissa oversees unitholder distribution payments and 1099 processing. She also brings over a decade of experience working with Yardi accounting systems.

Born and raised in Everett and Arlington, WA, Melissa has a strong love for Seattle sports teams and enjoys going to Seahawks, Sounders and Mariners games. Her fondest sports experience is still Super Bowl 48 in New Jersey and watching the Hawks win their first Super Bowl. Her second love is country music and a passion for traveling anywhere to see a good show. She is currently living in Fort Worth Texas and fosters dogs for a local rescue.